It was around this time for me that I realized that this pandemic thing was just not going to go away. I no longer said things like, “when the pandemic is over”, and actually believed it, even though I wanted to. 

Things were still relatively calm in SLC, pandemic-wise. However, biking around town, I was seeing some pretty scary things. For one, all of the trail heads were just SMASHED. Cars would circle parking lots, looking for spots. I know it’s not easy to get Covid outside, but goddamn, I bet these people were finding the limit. Everyone outside was always maskless, of course, at least from what I saw. I never rode on these trails; just biked up to the trail heads and shook my head.

The other harrowing thing I witnessed was the lines of people outside the doors of restaurants/breweries. I guess most businesses were adhering to the reduced capacity rules set by the city/county (DEFINITELY not the state), but it doesn’t really help if people still crowd up the entry ways. Also, since the virus is airborne, maybe like, idk, don’t eat inside with a bunch of strangers? I know the restaurant business gott effed hard by all this, and that’s a bummer, but I only feel so bad about a business that doesn’t pay their employees a real living wage for the most part. Whatever, fight me. We cook better food at home anyway.

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